Useful links
On this page we’ve gathered together some essential resources to help you get prepared for your course with links to more detailed information if needed.
Student resources
Application for enrolment form
You can enrol via our courses page by viewing the course you wish to attend and completing the enrolment form online. However, if you cannot enrol online please download and complete our application for enrolment form.
Unique student identifier
A USI – Unique Student Identifier is a reference number that creates an online record of your training and qualifications attained in Australia. If you are a new or continuing student undertaking nationally recognised training, you need a USI in order to receive your qualification or statement of attainment.
You can create a USI yourself by clicking the link below and applying online.
Alternatively, we can apply for a USI on your behalf. Complete the USI Application Form and return it to us via email or by dropping it into our office along with 100 points of ID.
Once we have applied for the USI on your behalf, you will receive information from either by email, SMS or letter (depending on your preferred contact method) with further steps to complete the setup of your USI, including setting up a password.
Student Handbook
If you want to know what to expect at WRCC, take a read through our Student Handbook. It gives you a feel for who we are, what we do and why we do it.
The Handbook lists all the various contacts within the College so you know who to speak to depending on what you need, plus it provides a comprehensive outline of fees, the enrolment process, plus learning and assessment details.
We are also pleased to provide a range of great services to support our students and help them achieve their best. You’ll find information about our student support services in the Handbook and we encourage you to seek them out.
Student Support
The college provides a range of services supporting students to learn and achieve intended learning outcomes, particularly students who experience barriers to participation in society. Students who require support are encouraged to contact the colleges’ student support officer on 6964 5334.
Evidence of identity
SafeWork NSW accredited courses require the Trainer to sight 100 points of ID for each participant at the beginning of the course. Additional identification requirements also require an individual to supply one form of photo ID. Acceptable formats of ID are the original paper version (Photocopies not permitted) and also digital forms of ID. If you cannot meet the ID requirements, please discuss this with the WRCC administration before enrolling.
For further details, please see the SafeWork NSW information sheet available at the following link
VET resources
Smart & Skilled
Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It’s helping people in NSW get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.
Smart and Skilled provides eligible students with:
- an entitlement to government-subsidised training up to and including Certificate III
- government funding for higher-level courses (Certificate IV and above) in targeted priority areas.
Training Services NSW
Training Services NSW is responsible for government-funded vocational education and training (VET) in NSW. Training Services NSW leads strategic policy, planning, funding, regulation and advice on VET to support economic, regional and community development.

Course directory
For information about courses offered please download our workplace skills course directory below.

Useful links
We’ve gathered together some essential resources to help you get prepared for your course with links to more detailed information if needed.