Our policies
To help make WRCC a positive place to learn and work, we have developed a range of policies and you’ll find them all here on this page.
Legislation & compliance policies
Legislation & regulatory compliance policy
Western Riverina Community College is committed to providing quality training and assessment in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) As such, WRCC is required to ensure it complies with Commonwealth and State legislation and regulatory requirements relevant to its operations, integrate these into policies and procedures, maintain compliance and inform staff and clients of changes to legislation that affect the services delivered. For more information please download and read our code of practice.
Privacy & confidentiality policy
WRCC may collect information from students or persons seeking to enrol with us, either electronically or in hard copy format, including information that personally identifies individual users. In collecting personal information WRCC will comply with the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.
National VET Data Policy
This data policy outlines the use of the VET Data held by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and outlines arrangements for disclosing and accessing VET Activity Data, VET Outcome Data and VET Funding Data.
Consumer protection policy
WRCC is committed to the ongoing provision and maintenance of its reputation as a safe, open-minded and enthusiastic place to engage in learning activities. All students have the right to learn in a supportive environment, download and read our full policy to understand your rights.
Work, health & safety
WRCC’s approach to WHS in the workplace involves the college taking a proactive, consultative approach to our employee’s health and wellbeing. Additionally, the college’s approach to the management of workers compensation claims and recovery are nested within the intent of this policy, and as such, the Colleges return to Work program falls within the scope of this policy.
Enrolment policies
Credit transfer policy
Western Riverina Community College recognises the qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations in accordance with the requirements of the VET Quality Framework. Contact our office for more information or to see if you are eligible.
Recognition of prior learning policy
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is the process whereby past work or life experience may be recognised as satisfying some or all competencies of a course or qualification. Western Riverina Community College will provide advice and assessment of current competencies on an individual needs basis. If you would like to apply for recognition of prior learning, please make an appointment to speak to the VET Manager.
Assessment policy
Western Riverina Community College has demonstrable experience and skill in providing or facilitating assessments that meet the endorsed components of the relevant courses in the areas of recognition sought. For more information please download and read our code of practice.
Refund policy
If Western Riverina Community College (WRCC) cancels a course: fees will be fully refunded within fourteen (14) days of course cancellation. Course fees will be refunded if advice of withdrawal is received seven (7) days before commencement of course. A $25.00 administration charge will apply. Please download and read the full policy below and contact our office to apply for a refund.
Student fee policy & procedure
The College, through its commitment to the provision of lifelong, life-wide learning, will set and adjust fees charges according to identified need. It is the intent of this policy to ensure ongoing access and availability of community learning opportunities and that these opportunities remain affordable to the population.

Learning environment policies
Access & Equity
We recognise that access and equity in adult education involves the removal of obstacles to learning and the active encouragement of participation through careful planning, scheduling and costing of courses. We offer support and advocacy as required including LLN support and special requirements to meet the needs of people with disabilities where practicable. Please notify the college of your individual support needs.
Anti-bullying Policy
Participants have the right to a learning environment that is free from harassment or discrimination. The College reserves the right to refuse entry or remove any person from a class if their behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable, offensive or dangerous to themselves, staff or other students. If you feel you have been treated unfairly please contact the centre manager immediately.
Code of practice
Western Riverina Community College has developed this Code of Practice to address its commitment to maintaining high standards in the provision of vocational education and training. This Code of Practice pervades all policies and procedures, and all staff members are required to abide by the Code as a requirement of employment.
Student complaints policy
WRCC Client grievances and complaints will be treated seriously, and the procedure will endeavour to ensure that the grievance or complaint is resolved quickly and harmoniously. If you feel the College has been unjust and not acted in good faith on any issue including assessment, enrolment or course delivery please contact the Centre Manager. You can read our grievance and complaints policy below.
Disability policy
WRCC is committed to providing services to clients in a fair and equitable manner. We embrace the principles of inclusivity and diversity in all aspects of service delivery. Please notify the college of your individual support needs.

Course directory
For information about courses offered please download our workplace skills course directory below.

Useful links
We’ve gathered together some essential resources to help you get prepared for your course with links to more detailed information if needed.