Enrolling at WRCC
Here are the important details regarding your Enrolment. Please contact our Student Support Officer if you have any questions or concerns about your course.
How to enrol
You can enrol via our courses page by viewing the course you wish to attend and completing the enrolment form online. Call into Leeton or Griffith campus to complete an enrolment and LLN application. Alternatively contact us via phone and we can arrange to email out relevant forms.
When to enrol
Enrol as early as possible. Depending on the demand for courses they have the potential to fill quickly. A specific number of enrolments are required for the course to go ahead. First aid and CPR training courses have a pre-course learning component that must be successfully completed 2 working days prior to students attending training.
Who can enrol
Generally, no prior experience or qualifications are necessary, however, occasionally selection criteria may apply, in which case this will be specified in the course description. Anyone aged 15yrs and over may enrol. Persons under 15yrs may be eligible for enrolment where specified. Registered Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer are offered to all students enrolling in accredited courses.
Unique student identifier
A USI – Unique Student Identifier is a reference number that creates an online record of your training and qualifications attained in Australia. If you are a new or continuing student undertaking nationally recognised training, you need a USI in order to receive your qualification or statement of attainment.
You can create a USI yourself by clicking the link below and applying online.
Alternatively, we can apply for a USI on your behalf. Complete the USI Application Form and return it to us via email or by dropping it into our office along with 100 points of ID.
Once we have applied for the USI on your behalf, you will receive information from usi.gov.au either by email, SMS or letter (depending on your preferred contact method) with further steps to complete the setup of your USI, including setting up a password.
How to pay
The college offers a range of options to process financial transactions for college service fees and charges. The College will receive payments for services via payment of Cash, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), MasterCard and VisaCard.
Short Courses: Payment is required in full for a short course before course commencement.
Fees are kept as low as possible to cover co-ordination, tuition, venue hire, insurance and other costs associated with the course. The College offers a 10% concession for all courses (excluding subsidised courses) for students who hold a health care card or aged care/ pension card.
Confirmation & Receipts
Enrolment is confirmed on payment of fees. Upon successful payment, the student will receive a receipt via email or in person.
Refunds & Cancellations
If Western Riverina Community College (WRCC) cancels a course: fees will be fully refunded within fourteen (14) days of course cancellation. Course fees will be refunded if advice of withdrawal is received seven (7) days before commencement of course. A $25.00 administration charge will apply. Please download and read the full policy below and contact our office to apply for a refund.
During your studies
Induction & Orientation
Occurs on the first day of the course or when you receive your materials for distance or online courses. Students enrolling in accredited courses may access our Student Handbook below or in the office.
On successful completion, of your course or full qualification Certificates, Transcripts of results and/or Statements of Attainment will be send out to the postal address supplied at time of enrolment. Alternatively they can be emailed upon request. If a business is paying the enrolment fee the Transcript and/or Statement of Attainment will be sent to the relevant person in that business. If you do not have facilities to print your certificate Students can request a certificate to be printed and posted to their nominated address. Additionally, the college can reprint a certificate if the original is misplaced. However, the College reserves the right to charge a fee for this service.
Extra support
Class expectations
Participants have the right to a qualified tutor and a learning environment that is free from harassment or discrimination. The College reserves the right to refuse entry or remove any person from a class if their behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable, offensive or dangerous to themselves, staff or other students. Participants should be responsible for their own possessions during class and should adhere to WHS requirements such as wearing appropriate clothing and ensuring awareness of emergency procedures.
Our policies
To help make WRCC a positive place to learn and work, we have developed a range of policies.
Course requirements
Requirements differ from course to course; these are listed on the course information page and within your confirmation email when enrolling online. Alternatively, you can ask a team member when enrolling in person or by phone. If you are still unsure, please contact the College.
Enrolment Prerequisites
Language Literacy Numeracy
Enrolment into any course and or full qualification at WRCC requires students to have English Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) skills to participate in and complete the nominated learning activity. At the time of completing an application for enrolment each student will be required to complete a Learning Literacy and Numeracy quiz. If the students identifies as having barriers the Student Support Officer will discuss the options that are available. Students applying for full qualifications will undertake an online LLN Robot test. Further, where barriers may exist, such as LLN, individuals are advised to contact the WRCC Student Support Officer for further assistance and advice.
People Visiting Australia
Visitors to Australia will have differing visa conditions which may preclude an individual from participating in accredited training while in Australia. Therefore, People visiting Australia on a visa are required to inform the College that they are a visitor to Australia and to supply the College with the Visa Number and Visa Subclass if applicable.
Additionally, Overseas visitors will also need to provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) at the time of Enrolment.

Rights & Responsibilities
Access & Equity
We recognise that access and equity in adult education involves the removal of obstacles to learning and the active encouragement of participation through careful planning, scheduling and costing of courses. We offer support and advocacy as required including LLN support and special requirements to meet the needs of people with disabilities where practicable. Please notify the college of your individual support needs.
Appeals & Complaints
WRCC Client grievances and complaints will be treated seriously, and the procedure will endeavour to ensure that the grievance or complaint is resolved quickly and harmoniously. If you feel the College has been unjust and not acted in good faith on any issue including assessment, enrolment or course delivery please contact the Centre Manager. You can read our grievance and complaints policy below.

Course directory
For information about courses offered please download our workplace skills course directory below.

Useful links
We’ve gathered together some essential resources to help you get prepared for your course with links to more detailed information if needed.