

Kristy Files

Administration Assistant, Trainer & Assessor

Kristy Files, Administration Assistant, Trainer & Assessor

Having joined the WRCC team in 2013, Kristy is our resident expert in all matters related to the responsible service of alcohol and providing responsible gambling services.

After 20 years working in hospitality, mostly in the Clubs sector, it’s no surprise that Kristy has an abundance of stories to share with her students that are both comical and educational.

Kristy holds certificate-level qualifications in Training and Assessment, Frontline Manager, Hospitality and Business.

Once presented the most unique laugh award, outside of work Kristy enjoys socialising, reading, and going to the gym. One of her life goals is to be as fit as Sheila, so look out for her on the hill.

Workplace Skills Course Directory flyer on table

Course directory

For information about courses offered please download our workplace skills course directory below.

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Useful links

We’ve gathered together some essential resources to help you get prepared for your course with links to more detailed information if needed.