

HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting ONLINE LEARNING


HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting ONLINE LEARNING

HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting ONLINE LEARNING

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to a casualty in line with first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) and other Australian national peak clinical bodies.


This course is designed for those who work or wish to work in the childcare industry and educators or support workers in the education and care setting. The First Aid Children’s Services course is for people who do not currently hold a current First Aid Children’s Services credential.
This First Aid Children Services course provides the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid response and this includes asthmatic and anaphylactic emergencies.

This includes workers or volunteers with duty of care for vulnerable clients, childcare educators, teachers, emergency services personnel, workers in hazardous environments and nominated workplace first aiders.

The completion of these units of competency, provides evidence to the employer and the community that the worker has the skills and knowledge to be able to provide a first aid response and sustain life in the event of an emergency.

Course Delivery
This course is delivered face to face, your trainer will go through the theory and practical components of the course on the day of training, to prepare you for your Practical Assessment. 

Participants are required to complete an online pre-course knowledge & assessment. This is to be completed prior to attending the face-to-face training.

Once you have received your enrolment confirmation you will receive an email with how to log on and navigate the student portal. It is important to follow the link and familiarise yourself with the online portal.

It is critical to allow sufficient time to complete this course. This online component replaces the pre-course workbook that you may have completed in the past. The information to answer the short quiz at the end of each section can be found in the pre-course material and additional information is also available by clicking on the links provided in some of the questions.

To complete these activities, you will need to have access to a computer or laptop. You will also need to have internet access, up to date up to GOOGLE Chrome or Microsoft Edge and enable pop-ups before starting.

If you feel that you do not have the computer skills or technology to complete the assessments, then please contact the College and we can discuss other options with you with the support of our Student Support Officer.

You will be required to complete and submit the following online learning activities at least, 3 business days prior to the face-to-face training:

Face-to-Face Session
Once you have successfully completed the online assessments you will be ready to attend the face-to-face session. You must receive a Satisfactory result in all of these assessments before you can attend the face-to-face session.

Your trainer will go through the theory and practical components of the course on the day of training to prepare you for your Practical Assessment.

Practical Assessments
- In class observation and practical activities - Tasks
- In class observation and practical activities - Case Studies & Scenarios

If you receive a Not Yet Satisfactory result, you will be given another opportunity to resubmit.


Upcoming Workshops

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Course directory

For information about courses offered please download our workplace skills course directory below.

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Useful links

We’ve gathered together some essential resources to help you get prepared for your course with links to more detailed information if needed.